How do I upgrade my current LANDR plan to LANDR Studio?

Upgrading is easy! Once you’ve chosen a LANDR Studio payment option, LANDR Studio will be added to your account.

Any balance from your current plan  (Sessions, Distribution and Chromatic) will be used as a credit toward your LANDR Studio payment.

If you have a Mastering or Samples subscription, once your LANDR Studio subscription becomes active, any existing credits from a LANDR Mastering and/or Samples plan will be folded into your LANDR Studio subscription.

Unfortunately, some legacy Mastering plans are not compatible with the LANDR Studio. 

If you’re subscribed to a legacy plan, you won’t be able to subscribe to the LANDR Studio until you upgrade to a new plan or cancel your current one.

Contact the LANDR Support team at any time for help with your LANDR Studio subscription.

Still having trouble? Contact our support team.


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