What is the new in-app purchase feature?

The new in-app purchase feature allows mobile users to buy mastering credits directly through the LANDR mobile app.

How do in-app purchases work with Apple's Terms of Service?

According to Apple's Terms of Service: "Apple will charge your selected payment method for any paid Transactions, including any applicable taxes." This means that applicable CAD taxes will be applied to purchases made by users in Canada, similar to other Apple transactions.

What should I do if I have a complaint about my purchase?

LANDR is unable to issue refunds directly. Users seeking refunds will need to contact Apple or Google Pay for assistance.

Can LANDR issue a refund for my purchase?

No, LANDR cannot issue refunds directly. Refund requests must be directed to Apple or Google Pay. However, LANDR will maintain a record of all transactions in the Admin billing section for visibility.

Where can I find more information on Apple's Terms of Service?

For more details on Apple's Terms of Service, please visit Apple TOS.


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