The most important stuff to keep in mind when building your release is:

  • Artist and track name formatting
  • Cover art quality 
  • Clean or explicit classification

It's important to follow our guidelines the best you can to make sure that your release goes out quickly.

Here are some things that might be rejected by us or by stores:

  • Sound-alike artists or performers
  • Public domain content
  • Content you don't have the rights for
  • Content using trademarked materials (i.e. iTunes, Apple or Spotify logos, etc.)

Here are some release terms you should know before getting started:


A 'DSP', or digital service provider, is essentially a company that distributes media online.

Examples include iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and YouTube.


Copyright is a legal right that gives the creator of an original work the exclusive rights for its use and release.

ISRC code

An ISRC code (International Standard Recording Code) is the international identification system for music video and sound recordings. Each one is different and unique to its recording.

This code is like a digital fingerprint for its recording and will make the recording identifiable permanently.

When you release with LANDR, the ISRC code is provided.

UPC code

A UPC (Universal Product Code) is a barcode that’s used to track products being sold.

In the case of music, each released album (or single) will have its own UPC code.

When you release with LANDR, the UPC code is provided.


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